The Out of Home Measurement Council (OMC) is now a formality!
The OMC (Out of Home Measurement Council), the Out of Home JIC representing OOH media owners in South Africa, is now a formal entity, and was registered as a non-profit company on 23 March 2015. The OMC will be run and controlled by the majority shareholders, supported by technical expertise from Kuper Research, who will also co-ordinate the media buyer advisory panel contributions.
The innovative methodology includes the combination of traffic flows, satellite images, and travel patterns to create a comprehensive traffic model, which when combined with the location of all media owner billboard panels, creates an accurate representation of OOH audiences. These elements are modelled to create OOH ratings demonstrating reach, frequency, GRP’s, impacts, CPM and so on for Out of Home campaigns or single billboards. Elements such as direction of traffic flow and visibility are taken into account as part of the model.
It is expected that sample data for Johannesburg be tested in June, where after the audience for the top five cities will be released to the industry in August. It is envisaged that the full South African Static Roadside survey will be completed by December 2015!
The benefits of the new OOH currency are endless for media buyers who will now have a consolidated, single view to access and plan from all media owner OOH inventory. State-of-the art, geo-spatial, sophisticated Quantum software will be available to buyers through Telmar, and will allow for ease of planning and purchase, and generate standardised and measurable plans. At last OOH is truly in the hands of the buyers.
About the OMC
The OMC (Out of Home Measurement Council) is a non-profit joint industry committee (JIC) that has been incorporated to provide buyers of Out of Home (OOH) media with a currency and survey that allows for efficient and accurate OOH planning. It will produce consolidated, inclusive and representative research covering the key OOH formats, commencing with static roadside panels in South Africa including the panels from all Out of Home participating media owners. The JIC aims to market and grow the OOH advertising industry within South Africa.